How to Get started as a model

Comp Cards for Model Portfolio


This guide is a collection of information that was gained over 20 years of international experience in the modeling industry.   The information is a taste of this experience and knowledge.  If you wish to learn more there are more class’s and one on one time with a career coach at your disposal.  This guide is also set up to be nonbiased, just the facts.      

This guide sets you up professionally with the tools you need to get started as a model with your headshot & portfolio.  You will also receive suggestions, direction and tips on how to perform as a model and not just your average Joe. 

To be a professional model it is more then just good looks that will get you the job.  You have to understand body movement and how to give the photographer/client what they are looking for.  It is a bit like acting; How does one convey confidence in a photograph- by feeling it, your body language and gestures.


YOU HAVE TO WANT IT!  It doesn’t matter what your parents say, your friends coworkers and so on if you are not willing to put the time energy and passion into it don’t do it your not going to go any where fast.  You get what you put out of it, even if you have a great agent.




Portfolio with 4 different looks; Show this to clients/agent

Comp card; This is your business card- something that you leave behind. 

Digital copies of your portfolio for the Internet audience.

Movement; Giving variations of a pose.


As a model it is your responsibility to keep your “look” up.  Which means taking care of yourself, exercising, eating healthy, taking vitamins, and getting plenty of Beauty sleep.  If you dramatically change your look you need to get a new headshot that looks like you when you arrive at a casting.

When your going to a casting or interview you want to be mentally and physically prepared.  What sticks out in casting agents eyes are people who are comfortable with themselves, Happy, Tone level is high, level of confidence, eye contact, posture, and Look.  What are they casting for and do you look like you could fit that mold.  

The business is not all fun and fame.  It comes with a lot of rejection and personal criticisms.   Be prepared to hear no, no, no thank you more then Yes.   If this is something you truly want to do then persistence and self-discipline will get you there.  But only you can do it.

The more you work on your skills the better you become.  Just like any sport, to become a master you must practice and seek to obtain knowledge, experience to refine your skills. 


Look in magazines, advertisements for what is currently out there.  Look at their movements, mimic their movements and gestures.   Make a binder with tear sheets from magazines, catalogs and images from the Internet.  Put at least 50 images in your book for reference.  What do you want your portfolio to look like?  Look at different poses, lighting, hands, feet, action and etc.

Turn up the music, go in front of the mirror and practice the movements in the book.  Move to the beat of the music.  Find your best angles, expressions.  Make affirmations while your moving    “ I look amazing, I look great, I have an amazing body, I am comfortable, I am supportive of myself.. and etc”

Practicing the movement makes it so it becomes muscle memory so when you are in front of a photographer you can move. 

Doing the affirmations actually changes your biochemistry.  What you think about you bring about.  To find out more about this do a search on NLP Nero Linguistic Programming.  Tony Robbins speaks a lot about this and has excellent advise on how to change your demeanor. 


Professionalism comes with PRACTICE PRACTICE PRACTICE

Start with practicing in the mirror.  When you are starting out shoot with as many photographers as possible.  Go to some of the recommended sites listed below and find different people to work with.  After 10,000 hours of doing you become a professional. 

Be careful who you shoot with.  Go with your instinct and bring a friend/ parent with you.  If the photographer doesn’t want the additional people then you probably shouldn’t shoot with them anyways. 

Watch the modeling television shows.  Be up on the newest trends in the industry. 

Lingo to be aware of:

TFP Trade for Print- means they shoot you get the images you don’t have to pay the photographer is new and is willing to shoot.

TFCD: Trade for CD- basically the same thing.

NOTE! Professional photographers who make their living doing photography will NOT do TFCD.  It is an insult to ask them to work for free! 


Set Demeanor

When you arrive for the job make sure you arrive 15 mins early.  Have your hair clean, light makeup if any.  Sometimes the job will ask that you bring some of your own belongings.  Bring many variations whether it’s clothing, shoes, accessories etc.   For woman bring your own makeup as a backup.  Make sure you are well rested.  Keep a happy Tone level.  Look listen see what is going on around you.   

Introduce yourself to everyone there.  People at a job would include and not limited to:

The Client(1-5), Art director/s(Ad agency), Photographer, Producer, Hair & Makeup Stylist, Wardrobe stylist, Production assistant, and the caterer.  

You will have your wardrobe picked out and then you go into makeup. 

The photographer and client will have some direction for what it is that they want.  Listen intently and when your in the “hot lights” give them variations of slight movement.  Think of yourself as an actor.   Don’t be afraid to ask questions. 

Before you go you will be asked to sign a Modeling release.  This was renegotiated for your rate and terms.  Make sure that what happened today is on this contract.   A copy goes to your Agent. 

Say good bye and thank you to everyone on set before you leave. 

If you want to get a copy of the imagery that you were in you can ask the photographer or art director for a copy for your portfolio.  Sometimes you can get a copy but not often.  It is best to follow-up with an email or call. 

DO NOT DEMEAN YOURSELF in front of professionals.  You are obviously a model they don’t want to hear that you don’t know what your doing, you’ve run out of ideas.  Get into the creative synergy of the moment and have fun!




How do you choose your agent?   You want to go with a reputable agency that’s business model is not solely “Model Portfolio’s” and “Class’s”.   Look at their client list online and ask around. Cost of portfolio’s & class’s range from $500/ class to $2,000 for a portfolio.  Do research on the web, look at forums, contact people who are already with that agency and ask them if they are happy.


What they ask for?

They ask if you have experience, a portfolio, a comp card, a resume, digital copies of your portfolio so they can put you on their online database.   There also may be a fee with joining their agency. 

Expect the agency to take 15-20% out of each of your jobs.  To find a good agent you must go through the process yourself.  If it sounds to good to be true it probably is.


What kinds of Jobs are there?

Advertising          Catalog

Commercial        Fashion

Editorial        Product

Runway        Promotional  (good looking person handing out information for a company) Magazines

Each type of job comes with a different rate.  Depending on the usage of the photography will be the determent of how much you get paid.  Usage can vary with web, print, state, national, & international rates.   




You can also find resources online for modeling.  There are many directories/communities of models and photographers that you can submit your portfolio to.    

What is TFP?  Trade for print.  This is a term used between models and photographers for trade of services.  Depending on the experience level of the photographer and how good your look is will determine if you can get a “free” model testing to expand your portfolio.  Research the photographer and also remember when you ask for TFP that it can be insulting for a professional.


When you upload your portfolio make sure that you give photo credit to your images. 


There are many online resources that you can find if you search here is a list of a few:


Online resources:

These books are ways of improving your self confidence and your ability to communicate.  You will have people that try to take advantage of you because your not seasoned.  Be prepared body mind and spirit.  Be up on the game. 


Recommended Books:

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie-  The better you learn to communicate and handle problems the better you will do in any field. 

Personal Power by Tony Robbins

The Power of the Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy

Mental Toughness by Steve Siebold

The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey

Emotions Revealed, Recognizing faces and feelings to improve communication and emotional life by Pal Ekman



Images are not "sold" but rather licensed for use.  Per a written contract, or licensing agreement, reproduction rights are released in exchange for a fee.  The terms and conditions of the licensing agreement dictate how, when and where the photo can be reproduced and distributed.  This is known as "rights-managed" licensing.

"Royalty-free" licensing is also available for a select group of images (stock photo numbers with the "RF" prefix).  Royalty-free images are not "free" but have less restrictions than rights-managed images. Nevertheless, a licensing agreement outlining the usage is still required.  Royalty-free images are available for a flat fee based on the type of media in which they are used.  Click the Price tab above for rates.

As a model you do not own your images.  The photographer will grant you a license.  So in essence you are renting the imagery. 



Go to websites like or  They are massive image libraries that’s graphic designers, business’s, newspapers, corporations use.  They may not want to hire a photographer and need a picture of a man in business suit. 




You now have a taste of the basic information that you need to know as a beginning modeling professional.  With the skills you learned during the photo shot and the information provided in this guide to be confident that you have the toolbox to get started.  You will find that if your desire to pursue modeling as a career or as a hobby that you will always be adding to your toolbox to be a master of the craft.  Don’t die with your music still in you. It is up to you to make your own success and to plan it.